Giant Barb


Greenhouse Gas Inventory training course for Oil and Gas operation

May 29, 2024

In Vietnam, greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reporting and inventorying is mandated by the 2020 Environmental Protection Law and further specified in Decree No. 06/2022/NĐ-CP dated January 7, 2022, and Decision No. 01/2022/QĐ-TTg dated January 18, 2022 of the Government. The mandatory implementation of GHG inventory activities is from 2024 onwards.

Recognizing the need for GHG accounting guidelines specifically focused on oil and gas activities, SEN Consulting Joint Stock Company (Giant Barb’s strategic partner) has designed the “Greenhouse Gas Inventory Training Course for Oil and Gas Operations”

The course will provide practical training on the measurement, reporting, and inventorying of GHGs according to simple and consistent principles applicable to oil and gas operations, in accordance with Vietnamese regulations and international practices.

Target Participants

The training course is designed for:

  • Leaders, Managers, and Environmental Safety Engineers.
  • Individuals involved in planning, conducting GHG emission inventories, developing emission. reduction programs, and enhancing GHG removal.

Course Content

  • Overview of international standards and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
  • GHG inventory development methodology.
  • GHG inventory calculation methodology.
  • MRV (Measurement, Reporting, and Verification) reporting in the oil and gas sector.

Benefits of Completing the Oil and Gas Greenhouse Gas Inventory training course

  • Thorough understanding of the requirements of ISO 14064-1, ISO 14065, and IPCC standards.
  • Ability to identify organizational boundaries and GHG reporting boundaries.
  • Identification and classification of emission sources and GHG sinks.
  • Quantification of direct and indirect emissions at different levels.
  • Development and implementation of an information management system to collect emission data and ensure data accuracy and reliability.
  • Preparation and presentation of MRV (Measurement, Reporting, and Verification) reports in the oil and gas sector.

Certification: Certificate issued by the Korea Testing & Research Institute (KTR). KTR is a global accreditation and verification body recognized by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

Training information

  • Training method: Direct training in District 3, Ho Chi Minh City.
  • Duration and time: 02 days, 20-21/06/2024.
  • Number of participants: Minimum: 15 people.
  • Course fee: 18,000,000 VND/person (Price includes expert and teaching assistant fees, materials, certificates, venue, training, and tea breaks and lunch throughout the course).

See more course information Here! 


  • Mr. Jung Kyuong - KTR Carbon Neutralization Assessment Expert

With 21 years of experience as a researcher in KTR's Electrical and Electromagnetic Assessment Group, testing standby power consumption, energy saving, and EMC. He has also been the Manager of the Carbon Neutralization Assessment Group at KTR for 14 years, a K-ETS Assessor, CDM Lead Auditor, Product Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) analyst, Environmental Product Information Card (EPD) consultant, and CFP Assessor.

  • Mr. Le Quang Linh - Carbon Neutralization and ESG Project Development Expert.

He has served as a Researcher at the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Carbon Credit Project Development Consultant at Investment and Trading Co., Ltd., Environmental Protection Project Development Consultant using WB funds at Project Management Board, Vietnam Environment Fund, Specialist, environmental and climate change project evaluation for GEF funding proposal at GEF Vietnam Office, Vietnam Environment Fund and is currently Deputy Director of Giant Barb Environmental Science and Technology Joint Stock Company.


  • Contact to register for the course: Ms. Bach Nhan
  • Phone number: 0902 722 729
  • Email: