Giant Barb


Greenhouse Gas Inventory - Embracing the Trend, Adapting to Green Transition

Apr 26, 2024

In the context of the increasingly severe issue of climate change and the negative impacts of greenhouse gasses, greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory has become more necessary and important than ever. By identifying the sources and quantities of greenhouse gasses emitted, businesses can develop mitigation measures and enhance sustainable business practices.

Greenhouse Gas Inventory

Decree 06/2022/NĐ-CP on "Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and ozone layer protection" issued by the Government on January 7, 2022 defines: 

Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Inventory is the activity of collecting information and data on greenhouse gas emission sources, calculating greenhouse gas emissions, and greenhouse gas absorption within a defined scope and in a specific year according to the methods and procedures issued by the competent authority.

Greenhouse gasses include gasses such as CO2, CH4, N2O, SF6, HFCs, PFCs, NF3, ..., which have the ability to retain heat in the atmosphere, contributing to the greenhouse effect and climate change.

How Greenhouse Gases Create the Effect

Greenhouse gasses create the effect as follows: When sunlight passes through the atmosphere and reaches the Earth's surface, the temperature of this surface increases. A portion of the temperature is reflected back into space, but another portion is absorbed by greenhouse gasses. As a result, the surrounding air warms up and leads to global warming.

Benefits of Greenhouse Gas Inventory

  • Compliance with regulations: Many countries have issued regulations on greenhouse gas inventory, businesses need to conduct inventory according to regulations to ensure compliance with the law.

  • Improve operational efficiency: Through the inventory process, organizations can identify the main emission sources and effective measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, helping the organization manage GHG risks, optimize resource management and minimize operating costs.

  • Enhance brand image: Demonstrate the organization's commitment to social responsibility and environmental protection, thereby enhancing the brand image of a sustainable business development and attracting customers and investors.

  • Attract green investment capital: Currently, consumers and investors are increasingly concerned about environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues. Implementing greenhouse gas inventory and demonstrating a commitment to emission reduction will help organizations attract potential green investors and capital.

  • Get ahead of the trend: Voluntary GHG inventory implementation early on helps businesses take the initiative in participating in the GHG market, enhancing their competitiveness.

Greenhouse Gas Inventory Process (According to Circular 28/2023/TT-BTNMT)

  1. Investigate and collect information on the current status of the facility's operations and related information.
  2. Define the scope of operations and greenhouse gas inventory methods.
  3. Select emission factors for facility-level greenhouse gas inventory.
  4. Select, collect, and analyze greenhouse gas inventory activity data.
  5. Calculate greenhouse gas inventory emissions.
  6. Control the quality of greenhouse gas inventory in work.
  7. Assess the uncertainty of greenhouse gas inventory.
  8. Recalculate the Greenhouse Gas Inventory.
  9. Develop a greenhouse gas inventory report.
  10. Research and propose greenhouse gas emission reduction solutions for the facility.
  11. Research, assess feasibility and develop a greenhouse gas emission reduction plan for the facility.


Greenhouse gas inventory is an essential tool for businesses to meet regulatory requirements and standards, demonstrate their commitment to environmental protection, enhance their reputation with customers, partners and the community. At the same time, conducting greenhouse gas inventory helps businesses get ahead of the sustainable development trend, adapt to the green transition and enhance their competitiveness in the urgent context of climate change response.

Start your green transition journey with Giant Barb by implementing greenhouse gas inventory today!


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Tags: ESGNet Zero