Giant Barb


Forest Carbon Credits: A solution to Climate change and Sustainable development

Jul 12, 2024

Climate change is a pressing global challenge. Forests play a crucial role in mitigating greenhouse gasses, however, forest cover is continuously shrinking due to exploitation and illegal logging. Forest carbon credits have emerged as an innovative solution, contributing to environmental protection while bringing economic benefits to communities.

1. Definition

Forest carbon credits are tradable certificates that represent the right to emit one ton of CO2 into the atmosphere. These credits are generated from forest projects that involve managing, protecting, and developing forests.

Forest carbon credit projects are typically implemented in areas with a high risk of deforestation, where there is a potential for converting forests into agricultural land, urbanization, or illegal logging. Projects may involve restoring natural forests, planting new trees, sustainably managing forests, and reducing timber harvesting.

2. The significance of Forests in mitigating Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Forests are often referred to as the "lungs of the Earth," playing a vital role in environmental protection and climate regulation. Trees in forests have the ability to absorb CO2 from the atmosphere through photosynthesis, while releasing O2, a gas essential for human life and other organisms. According to estimates, the world's forests currently store around 861 billion tons of carbon.

However, forest cover is declining due to deforestation, illegal logging, and forest fires. This has led to a significant increase in CO2 levels in the atmosphere, contributing to the acceleration of climate change.

3. The potential for implementing Forest Carbon credit projects in Vietnam

Vietnam has a relatively large forest area. From 2015 to 2020, forest area and cover rate have continuously increased. In 2020, the forest area was 14,677,215 ha, with a forest cover rate of 42.01%. By December 31, 2023, Vietnam had over 14.8 million hectares of forest, with a forest cover rate of 42.02%. This presents a significant potential for developing forest carbon credits.

In 2023, Vietnam successfully sold 10.3 million carbon credits from the North Central region, with a total contract value of 51.5 million USD. These funds were disbursed to forest owners, commune-level People's Committees, and groups involved in forest development, degradation, and livelihood improvement for local people. Forest carbon credits have brought sustainable development to the North Central region, promoting greenhouse gas emission reduction while positively impacting the lives of people who depend on forests.

This project has established the first implementation mechanism for large-scale forest carbon credit projects, creating a promising future for forest carbon credit projects, as the project implementation area in the North Central forest region only accounts for about 21.6% of Vietnam's forest area.

4. Methods for implementing Forest Carbon Credit Projects

There are three main methods for implementing forest carbon credit projects:

  • Reforestation and Increased Forest Area: This method aims to increase carbon storage and reduce carbon emissions by creating, increasing, or restoring forest cover through planting, seeding, or supporting the natural regeneration of woody plants.
  • Improved Forest Management: This method aims to enhance carbon absorption and reduce greenhouse gases on managed forest land for wood products such as construction timber and wood chips through forest management practices. For example, converting forest land use from production forests to conservation forests.
  • Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD): This method aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by reducing deforestation and forest degradation. In 2010, deforestation and forest degradation accounted for approximately 15% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

5. Benefits of Forest Carbon Credit Projects

  • Mitigating Greenhouse Gases and Combating Climate Change: This is the most crucial benefit of forest carbon credit projects. By participating in the project, organizations and businesses will contribute to reducing the amount of CO2 emitted into the environment, thereby contributing to combating climate change.

  • Protecting and Developing Sustainable Forests: Forest carbon credit projects will encourage sustainable forest protection, management, and development activities. As a result, forest area

6. Risks of reducing Forest Carbon Credits and impacts on Forest Carbon Projects

  • Carbon Leakage: This refers to the increase in greenhouse gas emissions outside the project area due to the consequences of project activities. For instance, if slash-and-burn agriculture is prevented in a protected area, people may shift to other areas for slash-and-burn activities. Typically, carbon projects must establish a leakage belt to monitor this phenomenon. If there is an increase in emissions compared to the baseline according to a specific ratio in the carbon standard that the project applies, leakage is established, and this emission amount will be deducted from the project's emission reduction results.

  • Sustainability: Forests are only temporary carbon sinks; therefore, when forests are harvested, burned, affected by pests and diseases, or subjected to human-induced causes such as land-use change and timber harvesting, these phenomena or activities will release carbon back into the atmosphere. Projects must identify these risks and plan risk mitigation strategies. During project implementation, if the project becomes unsustainable, the number of carbon credits may be deducted similarly to carbon leakage.

The potential and positive impacts of forest carbon credit projects in Vietnam are immense. Forest carbon credits are not only an economic solution but also a strategic approach to environmental protection and sustainable development. By participating in forest carbon credit projects, individuals, organizations, and businesses can all contribute to creating positive impacts that help mitigate the effects of climate change and improve the lives of people who depend on forests.


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