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Enhancing Trust in the Carbon Market: ICVCM Approves First High-Integrity Carbon Certifiers

Apr 22, 2024

The voluntary carbon market is witnessing a significant step forward with the approval of the first three "high-integrity" carbon standard organizations by the Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market (ICVCM). This milestone marks ICVCM's commitment to strengthening the foundation for emissions reductions and environmental protection, promoting transparency and trust in the carbon market, and ultimately bolstering investor and buyer confidence.

The Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market (ICVCM)

Established by global financiers in 2021, ICVCM aims to bring discipline and growth to the voluntary carbon market. The council oversees carbon service providers based on criteria such as governance, transparency. ICVCM's primary goal is to ensure a high-quality supply of carbon into the market while driving demand for credible carbon credits. The approval of "high-integrity" service providers is a crucial step in achieving this objective.

The "High-Integrity" Standards

Leading service providers - Gold Standard, ACR (formerly the American Carbon Registry), and Climate Action Reserve - have successfully passed ICVCM's rigorous assessment process. Approved certifiers will be allowed to label the carbon credits they verify with the "Core Carbon Principles" (CCPs) designation. This is a significant step in building trust in the carbon credit market. The CCPs label will act as a "quality mark" ensuring the authenticity and credibility of the issued carbon credits.

ICVCM assesses carbon credit certification organizations, not individual carbon projects. ICVCM evaluates carbon certifiers against stringent "high-integrity" criteria, including governance, transparency, accounting, and community protection. This allows carbon buyers and sellers to easily identify high-quality credits; investors can be confident that carbon projects certified by these bodies meet the highest standards of quality and impact.

Currently, Verra, another major service provider in the market, is under ICVCM assessment. ICVCM's continued expansion of its list of approved service providers will further foster investor and buyer trust, enhancing demand for quality projects and the growth of the voluntary carbon market.


The launch of the "Core Carbon Principles" (CCPs) label and the approval of the first "high-integrity" service providers mark a significant step towards a more transparent and trustworthy voluntary carbon market. ICVCM plays a pivotal role in fostering the growth of this market, contributing to the collective effort to combat climate change.

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