Giant Barb


Building a Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Plan: A Journey Towards a Sustainable Future

May 03, 2024

In the context of a rapidly deteriorating environment due to climate change, greenhouse gas emissions reduction is not just a trend but an urgent task. To address this challenge, building a greenhouse gas emissions reduction plan is a crucial step towards a sustainable future for businesses and society as a whole.

Entities Responsible for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction

According to Article 5 of Decree 06/2022/NĐ-CP, entities required to implement greenhouse gas emissions reduction measures include:

1. Establishments belonging to the list of fields and establishments emitting greenhouse gasses (under Decision 01/2022/QĐ-TTg issued and effective from January 18, 2020) must conduct greenhouse gas inventories as mandated by the Prime Minister.

2. Ministries managing the fields of energy, agriculture, land use and forestry, waste management, and industrial processes are the Ministries of Industry and Trade, Transport, Agriculture and Rural Development, Natural Resources and Environment, and Construction.

3. Organizations and individuals not covered by Clause 1 of this Article are encouraged to implement greenhouse gas emissions reduction in a manner appropriate to their conditions and activities.

Roadmap for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction

Based on Clause 4, Article 7 of Decree 06/2022/NĐ-CP, establishments specified in Clause 1 of Decree 06 shall implement greenhouse gas emissions reduction according to the facility-level greenhouse gas emissions reduction plan and the following roadmap:

1. Provide activity information and data for facility-level GHG inventories, develop and implement greenhouse gas emissions reduction measures in accordance with the specific conditions of the facility;

2. From 2026 to 2030, conduct GHG inventories, develop and implement emissions reduction plans according to the allocated MOTEE quotas in line with the emissions reduction target; authorized to trade GHG emission quotas and carbon credits on the carbon credit exchange.

3. According to Clause 5 of Article 7 of Decree 06/2022/NĐ-CP, encourage new investment projects to apply low-GHG emission technologies, production processes, and service provision or participate in appropriate GHG emissions reduction cooperation mechanisms and methods in accordance with the provisions of the law and international treaties that the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a member of.

Methods for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction

  • Policy measures, management of GHG emissions reduction activities

  • Sectoral and facility-level GHG emissions reduction plans

  • Low-GHG emission technologies, production processes, and services

  • GHG emissions reduction cooperation mechanisms and methods in accordance with the provisions of the law and international treaties that the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a member of.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Plan

Based on Clause 4 of Article 13 of Decree 06/2022/NĐ-CP, establishments subject to GHG emissions reduction are responsible for:

  • Developing and implementing facility-level GHG emissions reduction measures for the period from 2023 to 2025 in accordance with the facility's production and business conditions.

  • Developing and approving a GHG emissions reduction plan for the period from 2026 to 2030, adjusting and updating annually (if any) and submitting it to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, the sector management ministry specified in Clause 2 of Article 5 of Decree 06/2022/NĐ-CP and the relevant professional agencies under the People's Committees of provinces before December 31, 2025.

The facility-level greenhouse gas emissions reduction plan shall be developed in accordance with Form No. 02 of Appendix IV issued together with Decree 06/2022/NĐ-CP and shall include the following contents:

  • Results of the facility's greenhouse gas inventory for the most recent year;

  • Estimated greenhouse gas emissions during the planning period without applying greenhouse gas emissions reduction technologies and measures;

  • Greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets for each year of implementation for the period from 2026 to 2030;

  • Greenhouse gas emissions reduction measures selected in accordance with the actual situation, technological level, and implementation resources of the establishment;

  • Plan for monitoring and supervising the implementation of the greenhouse gas emissions reduction plan.

Building a greenhouse gas emissions reduction plan is a shared responsibility of every organization, business, and individual. Effectively implementing emissions reduction plans will contribute to environmental protection, climate change adaptation, and a sustainable future for future generations.

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Tags: Net Zero