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Borneo logging to creates Carbon Credits - Climate saver or killer ?

Jul 22, 2024

Two Malaysian logging companies have been granted permits to log old-growth forests in Borneo, claiming that this will allow them to sell carbon credits. However, an international study has found that such schemes do not reduce deforestation. Indigenous communities in Borneo are concerned about the impact of logging on their way of life.

Logging in the Heart of Borneo

The rainforests of Borneo are home to some of the richest biodiversity on Earth. They are also home to indigenous communities who have lived in the forests for generations. However, these forests are now under threat from logging.

Two Malaysian logging companies, Samling and Shin Yang, have been granted permits to log old-growth forests in Borneo. The companies claim that this will allow them to sell carbon credits. Carbon credits are a type of tradable permit that allows companies to offset their carbon emissions.

Logging for Carbon Credits: A Flawed Solution? 

The companies argue that logging old-growth forests and replanting them with fast-growing trees will absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. This, they say, will help to combat climate change.

However, an international study published in the journal Nature found that such schemes do not reduce deforestation. The study found that the amount of carbon dioxide absorbed by replanted forests is often offset by the emissions from logging old-growth forests.

Indigenous communities: Voices unheard

Indigenous communities in Borneo are concerned about the impact of logging on their way of life. They rely on the forests for food, medicine, and shelter. They also fear that the logging will destroy their cultural heritage.

The companies have promised to work with the communities to minimize the impact of the logging. However, the communities are skeptical. They say that they have not been consulted about the logging plans and that their concerns have been ignored.


The logging of Borneo's rainforests is a complex issue with no easy answers. While the companies claim that their logging is sustainable, there is evidence to suggest that it will have a negative impact on the environment and on indigenous communities. More research is needed to determine the best way to protect Borneo's rainforests.

In the meantime, the Malaysian government should reconsider its decision to grant logging permits to Samling and Shin Yang. The government should also work with indigenous communities to develop a plan for the sustainable use of Borneo's forests.


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