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Biomass - Embracing Green Living with Clean Energy

Dec 03, 2024
In the context of global climate change and the depletion of fossil fuels, the search for clean and sustainable energy solutions has become more urgent than ever. Biomass energy is one of the top choices, promising a green and sustainable energy future.
I. Overview of Biomass Fuel 
Biomass or biomass fuel is biological material formed from plants, industrial crops, and agricultural residues (husk, straw, bagasse, sawdust, waste paper, etc.). These materials contain chemical energy, the energy source in plants stored through the process of photosynthesis.
Biomass is harvested and converted into various forms of energy such as heat, electricity, and biofuels (such as ethanol and biodiesel). With its rapid renewability and great potential, biomass plays an important role in reducing dependence on fossil fuels, as well as contributing to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting a circular economy.
II. Forms of Biomass
  • Solid form: The most common form of biomass (pelletted husk, wood pellets, wood chips, ground husk, etc.), utilized from agricultural and forestry waste (husk, bagasse, coffee grounds, straw, wood scraps, etc.) or solid waste from industrial and domestic production: paper, food scraps, other organic materials, etc.
  • Liquid form: Biomass can be converted into liquid fuels such as methanol and ethanol for use in internal combustion engines.
  • Gaseous form: Biomass can be produced from the treatment of industrial waste and wastewater in treatment tanks. Bacteria decompose organic matter, creating biogas in this process (mainly CH4 and CO2). The methane produced in this process can be collected and used as a source of biomass energy.
III. Benefits of Biomass
- For Businesses
  • In production: Biomass fuel can be used directly or indirectly as fuel in boiler systems to generate the necessary energy.
  • Cost savings: Biomass is cheaper than coal, so the cost of producing steam using biomass fuel will help production facilities save up to 40% on fuel costs compared to using fossil fuels thanks to its diversity.
  • Sustainable resource: Biomass is a renewable resource, so it can ensure a continuous supply of fuel for many factories and enterprises throughout the project's operation. Biomass is also considered a green alternative to coal for industries today. Therefore, this type of fuel can help production facilities aim for comprehensive and sustainable development.

- For the environment

  • Reducing CO2 emissions: Biomass stores CO2 during growth and releases it during direct combustion, so biomass helps recycle carbon in the atmosphere and minimize the greenhouse effect.
  • Reducing waste: By utilizing seemingly useless waste as a useful fuel, which is biomass, the amount of smoke released into the environment will be significantly reduced. Electricity production using biomass fuel can reduce 14% to 90% of emissions compared to fossil fuels.
IV. Sources of Biomass
  • Wood and agricultural products: Biomass is created from agricultural by-products such as sugarcane (using bagasse), hay, corn, natural grass, hemp, palm oil, straw, plant residue, dry leaves, wood chips, paper, etc.
  • Forestry and wood industry by-products: Tree trunks, branches, leaves that are pruned, or sawdust, wood shavings obtained after processing wood products. This biomass source is often used as fuel in industrial boilers.
  • Livestock waste: Livestock manure and sludge from farms can be converted into gas or burned directly to generate heat and produce energy.
  • Solid waste: Biomass fuel is also created from waste from household, business, and production activities (excluding inorganic materials from plants, paper, cardboard, etc.). Therefore, biomass fuel can help reduce the burden of waste on the environment. However, some solid waste is not suitable as a source of biomass (such as metal and plastic waste).
  • Biogas: The treatment of industrial waste and wastewater in treatment tanks at a sufficiently high temperature helps create a gas used as biomass fuel.

Biomass energy is a clean, renewable, and promising energy source. With its immense benefits, biomass is expected to contribute significantly to solving global energy and environmental problems. However, to effectively exploit this energy source, there needs to be investment in research, technology development, and appropriate supportive policies.

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